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Tamil Text

You can use the following openSCAD script to generate the STL file: translate([13,20,5]) color([1,0,0]) scale([2,2,2]) linear_extrude(height=4) text("\u0BB5\u0BA3\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BAE\u0BCD",font="Lohit Tamil:style=Regular"); linear_extrude(height=5) square([135,50],0); To get the hexadecimal escape sequences of the tamil text like the following \u0BB5\u0BA3\u0B95\u0BCD\u0B95\u0BAE\u0BCD you can use the your Browser's javascript engine. Just open developer tools from your browser's menu and type in `escape("தமிழ்")` in the to get the escape sequence text corresponding to the Tamil text input.

8mm Smooth Rod Holder

8mm Smooth Rod holding clamp for various DIY projects

Test Model

This is a a test model